
16-Year-Old Mother In Daytona Beach Arrested For Kidnapping Her Child

A 16-year-old girl was arrested for Kidnapping in Florida after taking her baby from a foster care agency. The agency’s purpose was to place children who have been abused or neglected in foster homes.
Both mother and child had been taken to the agency located in Daytona Beach by a caseworker from Jacksonville.

The 16-year-old girl learned that she and her child were going to be separated and she sent texts to two of her friends, who came to pick her up, investigators confirmed. She then took the baby and rushed out to the car. Another caseworker contacted the mother not long after that and the baby was soon returned to the agency.

Police have not released the name or any other details about the 16-year-old girl, due to her age. They have since arrested her on a charge of interference with child custody. Her friends escaped criminal charges. They were not deemed to be culpable since they had no idea what their friend planned to do.

Family can be a powerful motivator, whether doing the right thing or the wrong thing. People will go to great lengths for children, parents, or siblings. Usually, this is a good thing, but sometimes it leads to problems with the law, which is why good Criminal Lawyers are so necessary.

Prosecutors are not always right about everything. Or sometimes the law can be a little strict in its interpretation. Everyone has rights, however, including the right to defense. This right is central to how any given case will turn out in the end. A poor defense could easily lead to too much punishment or even a false conviction – but an excellent defense from someone who can tell your side of the story, someone who knows the law and how it applies to your specific circumstances, can resolve your case in the best way possible. The best way to make sure you have one of the latter, instead of one of the former, is to make sure you have a genuine
Criminal Lawyer.

If you or a loved one have been accused of some kind of criminal activity, there are Manhattan Criminal Lawyers waiting to assist you. Don’t let yourself be represented by anything less than the best you can possible find – make sure your advocate is a Manhattan Criminal Lawyer.

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