
Copiague resident accused of stabbing in North Massapequa reports a Long Island Criminal Lawyer

21 year old Copiague resident stabbed someone in a fight on Saturday at a house party in Massapequa. The victim was taken to a local hospital where he was released after being treated. He was charged with A Felony Second Degree Assault, and a Misdemeanor for weapons possession according to a New York Criminal Lawyer. The suspect is lucky in that the attack did not result in death or more serious injury to the victim. He would certainly need to retain qualified legal counsel or face seriously long jail time.

If you are being held on criminal charges you may need help from Stephen Bilkis and Associates to help you obtain the justice you deserve. Without one you can find yourself in serious trouble. Come in and we will answer all of your questions and provide you with a free case consultation. We have office locations in both Nassau County and Suffolk County on Long Island, and Westchester County. In New York City, we have offices in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Island.

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