
Detective Loses His Job and Could Use a New York Criminal Lawyer

The thoughts of one woman trying to cause her husband, a veteran detective, to lose his job before he was killed by lacing his food with marijuana was determined to be untrue. The detective was fired and is now working as a security guard. His wife apparently smokes marijuana for back pain. However, this is one criminal act that just seems a bit odd and unclear.

The detective was found to have high levels of marijuana in his system based on hair samples. The union tried to argue that this was not an acceptable method of testing but the appeals court stated that the Commissioner was in charge of the situation and the choice of how to test the individual was non-negotiable. Situations like this are times when you will want to put your confidence in The Law Office of Steven Bilkis and Associates and its New York Criminal Lawyers. Just call 1-800-NYNY-Law for a free consultation with a New York Criminal Lawyer.

As it appears, this detective will not be getting his job back as the hair samples showed that the levels of marijuana in his system were not consistent with his food being laced with marijuana or the second hand smoke from his wife’s smoking the drug. The argument against the hair samples was in vain. The attorney for the detective said they are still seeking a way to get the decision over-turned so that the detective could return to work. The wife and the detective both seem to be in a particularly odd situation and one of them is obviously guilty of a criminal act.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates and its New York Criminal Lawyers and convenient locations in the New York Area including Saint Albans, NY can be very helpful to you if you find yourself involved in a criminal prosecution. Facing charges without a New York Criminal Lawyer is a losing choice.

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