
Georgia takes steps toward a tougher immigration policy

The state of Georgia is taking steps to pass an immigration law similar to that which exists currently in Arizona.

As of March 01, the southern state was in the process of passing a controversial bill that would increase measures to prevent the infiltration, residence and employment of non-U.S. citizens in the state. A N York Criminal Lawyer recognizes that if this measure goes through as planned, Georgia will become the second state to pass such an immigration bill, with Arizona’s current policy being the model.

It is noted that the American Civil Liberties (ACLU) has announced its plan to sue, in the event that the bill includes any freedom on the part of law enforcement to pose question individuals. According to the proponents of this controversial bill, their strong support is due to what they perceive to be a currently insufficient immigration policy. The vote on this proposal is anticipated for the second week of March. The proposal states that one of its main objectives is to tighten security measures by requiring law enforcement officers to request a person’s immigration status. Though it is claimed that reasonable cause must exist for such an inquiry to have validity, there is significant opposition to this proposed measure. It is not stated what parameters exist in reference to “reasonable cause” on the part of law officers, but the threat of lawsuit on the part of the ACLU may very well complicate things.

It is the realization of a NYC Criminal Lawyer that currently, there are proceedings even in the state of Arizona aimed at confronting that state’s current immigration law. In fact, Arizona and Georgia are not the only states that currently find themselves involved in debate on this issue of immigration. According to sources, several other states within the U.S. are reflecting on their own immigration policies, with the possibility of alteration.

If the immigration policy of Georgia follows a similar path to that of its predecessor Arizona, a main aspect of the Georgia bill would have serious consequences for individuals who “willfully and fraudulently” take steps toward employment through the illegal avenue of obtaining a fake state identification.

Due to the volatility of this controversial bill as well as the fact that such measures are being considered in several states, it is anticipated that many might find themselves engaged in legal proceedings that stem from the decisions made by state governments.

It is the intent of a New York Criminal Attorney to assist individuals with legal counsel and representation, should they find themselves in circumstances having to do with the immigration issues reported above. If you or a relative is in need of legal assistance, please don’t hesitate to pursue the assistance of a New York Criminal Attorney.

Stephen Bilkis and Associates can provide support and guidance as well as a free consultation when you call us at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW. We have offices in N York City, including Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and The Bronx and in Nassau County, Suffolk County and Westchester County. If you have reason to suspect foul play from one of your employees, do not hesitate to call a NYC Criminal Attorney immediately. A reputable New York Criminal Attorney can help you put your affairs back in order.

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