
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement grants deferred deportation in certain cases

A 31 year old man was brought to America at the age of ten, after his father had been shot. He has made his life here, formed a family and graduated from Harvard University. He has proven himself to be a valuable member of our society. Now he faces deportation back to the Philippines, but according to a New York Criminal Lawyer, he has been granted a delay of one year to get his citizenship instated and to allow him to remain in the country indefinitely as a U.S. citizen.

This does not happen often, but when it does, deferred action is usually the result of some kind of humanitarian effort made by the deportee, or some level of superior achievement that spurs the ICE toward a favorable action in that regard. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement was established because so many people come to this country and fail to go through the legal channels to become a citizen, but it also has a stake in those people, after all, they live here and many of them have lived here their entire lives.

It would be difficult to imagine being forced from the place you have called home for 21 years and required to move back to a country that is unfamiliar and even politically volatile, said the New York Criminal Lawyer, and it is refreshing to see that the laws that have been established here to keep illegal aliens from entering also serve to support those people who know no other way of life, having been brought here as children, through no fault or choice of their own.

No one wants to be labeled a criminal. Sometimes, mistakes happen that could have been prevented but weren’t and the consequences can be severe. If you find yourself in such a situation, call Stephen Bilkis and Associates and let them support you in your fight for freedom. Our legal team will bring their highly valuable skills to the table on your behalf.

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