
In California and other states, the cost of a DUI is high

Driving under the influence of alcohol DWI is not only dangerous, but if you get caught doing it, it will definitely cost you, warns a policeman. Law enforcement agencies across the nation are adopting stronger policies against drinking and driving that are aimed at curtailing impaired motorists and saving lives, and many say their message seems to be getting through.

The study reports that DUI arrests in many states have increased due to the extra enforcement on the road, particularly during peak high volume holiday seasons when drinking and driving seems to be the most prevalent. In California alone, the number of arrests for driving under the influence has increased 18 percent since the year 2001. This increase in DUI arrests can be seen as successful, in that it is keeping impaired motorists off the streets and keeping innocent drivers safe from harm.

Driving under the influence of alcohol hurts and kills many people every year. According to the authorities, in 2010 there were approximately 211,000 arrests nationwide and more than 27,000 injuries or fatalities due to drinking and driving. Along with more enforcement, stricter penalties are given to those who break the law and drive while drunk. In the state of California, a first time DUI conviction can rack up more than $12,000 in fines, penalties, legal fees and increased insurance costs. Drinking and driving, authorities insist, is never worth the cost of other people’s safety, and those who are caught doing it will face higher fines and penalties in order to drive that fact home.

If you are concerned about your legal rights involving a case against you that is pending, contact a New York Criminal Attorney now. The legal system is a complex web of information that can be confusing and hard to understand. A New York Criminal Attorney can assist you greatly when questions arise.

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