
Police hunt in packs to locate impaired drivers

It is fairly common for most people to instinctively hit their brakes when they see a police cruiser sitting on the side of the road, in many cases even when they are going the speed limit. People are by nature, creatures of habit, says a patrolman, and they instinctually react to situations over and over again in the same way even when such measures are uncalled for. But if your heart begins racing when you see one cop sitting lonely with his radar gun, imagine how you will feel when you drive a quarter mile and then find two more waiting for you.

Police in many states have begun to use a technique called the ‘wolf-pack’ to find DWI impaired drivers, particularly during the busy holiday season. A wolf pack involves a large number of officers deployed to the same small area to combat drunk driving by spotting offenders before they have a chance to hurt anyone, informs the authority. Police are well trained to identify the signs of DUI, driving under the influence of alcohol, but even so, there are a lot of cars on the road to watch.

The wolf pack technique puts more eyes on more drivers, and the officers communicate with each other via radio to alerts other officers of a potential impaired driver coming down the road, explains the source. This technique has proven very effective at identifying and stopping drunk drivers in their tracks. The next time you see one police officer sitting on the side of the Interstate waiting for his next traffic stop, you might want to be aware that there could be several more officers around who are watching you, as well. Of course if you aren’t breaking the law, then you won’t have anything to worry about, which is the safest and smartest way to go.

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