
Police Officers Shot at in Drug Case, states New York Criminal Lawyer

Two police officers spotted a 26 year old suspect smoking marijuana at 6:15 PM at a street corner, a New York Criminal Lawyer said. The officers approached the suspect and attempted to place him under arrest when the suspect became unruly and decided to resist arrest. The officers were attempting to handcuff him at the time he opposed them. The suspect then somehow managed to gain access to the gun of one of the officers and tried to fire a bullet. A struggle then ensued with both suspect and officer attempting to gain possession of the weapon. The officer did manage to keep one hand on the barrel of the gun before the gun was fired.

The suspect discharged the gun once and although firing at point blank range, the bullet did not strike anyone or cause any damage. The suspect was attempting to fire a second time but was unable to do so because the shell casing was jammed inside the gun.

The officer was then able to regain full possession of his weapon after a major struggle and the suspect was handcuffed and placed under arrest without further incident. Charges against the suspect and further information is still pending at this time.

Both officers, however, had to be taken to the hospitall for injuries sustained in the altercation. One of the officers suffered an injured elbow. The other officer was treated for injuries to both his back and shoulder.

Anyone facing criminal charges should not be without adequate representation. Whether you have been charged with drug possession, a theft crime, or a DWI, speak to Stephen Bilkis and Associates for advice and guidance. We have offices to serve you throughout New York, incuding locations in Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, the Bronx and Brooklyn. We also have locations in Nassau County and Suffolk County on Long Island, and Westchester County.

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