
Waitress sues her employer for assault

It’s a tough environment these days when it comes to finding work to pay the bills. Sometimes that means taking jobs you might not normally consider, because you know you need to keep food on the table. In this case, indicated a New York City Criminal Lawyer, a former cocktail waitress found herself in a difficult situation at work. She stated in her federal lawsuit that she was fed handfuls of drugs and then expected to have sex with the customers.

There was no doubt a hostile work environment for this woman. She worked for one of the largest club operators in her area as a cocktail waitress. The work conditions just got to be too much for her and she chose to quit, move on and file a lawsuit.

The lawsuit was actually filed with several allegations in it that included assault, sexual harassment and conspiracy. Now this lady would have had a choice as to which type of lawyer she would need to file her complaint seeking compensation.

Given that it’s a federal lawsuit, she may have opted to discuss her situation with an employment lawyer. Since many lawyer’s specialize in more than one area, it’s like the attorney would have also been able to handle the other issues listed in the complaint as well, from a plaintiff’s perspective, added the Brooklyn Criminal Lawyer.

However, if this case was to proceed criminally, the defendant would also need legal counsel, as all defendants charged with a criminal offense are entitled to a thorough and well thought out defense in response to the charges.

Considering this case from the defendant’s point of view, the charges may well be refuted and proven wrong is there was any evidence that the woman who brought the lawsuit had a history of using drugs. In the alternative, if she was considered to be an escort or other sex trade worker then that information could also be used at trial to rebut her allegations.

In addition, there would likely be some background investigative work done on a case like this to check into the woman’s work history and find out what her friends and co-workers have to say about her, on and off the job.

Whether you are contending with a sex crimes charge, a weapons charge or theft crime, it is important to ensure that you rights are protected at every stage of your legal proceedings. Contact Stephen Bilkis and Associates for advice and a free consultation at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW today. We have offices located in all boroughs of New York, including the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island. We also have locations in Nassau County and Suffolk County on Long Island, as well as Westchester County.

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