
Woman Killed by Cop Car Collision

A woman from has died after being struck by a police car as she was walking home.
The 63-year-old woman was struck by a police cruiser at 10:41 p.m. on a Saturday night as she walked home during a rainstorm, family members and police told a New York Criminal Lawyer.

She was taken directly to the hospital, but was pronounced dead at 11:25 p.m. She was only a few blocks from her home when the accident occurred, during a spate of severe weather.

The officer was also taken to the hospital to treat bruises on his knees. He was since released. He had been patrolling at the time of the incident. According to a Manhattan Criminal Lawyer, the police did not release his name and their investigation is ongoing.

The victim’s family had been hoping to gather at her house for the first night of Passover, only a few nights later. Instead, they will be mourning her passing.

The woman’s son-in-law explained that his mother-in-law was a warm, friendly person. She loved to have people over her home for gatherings. He described her as “very friendly and sunny, and just a very happy person, fun to be around.”

He said she “loved to celebrate the holidays, hosting holiday celebrations. We were supposed to go to her house tomorrow night for the first seder.”

If you or a loved one has charged with a crime, whether it be a sex crime, dug offense or gun possession matter, it is important to seek legal guidance promptly to ensure that your rights are protected.

Accidents occur and no one can know when they will happen. Some criminal charges are undeserved and the punishment for other charges might far exceed the crime. Speak to Stephen Bilkis and Associates for advice and guidance.

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