
Lifelong Resident to be Deported

She could not speak, could not walk, could not even feed herself but they loved her anyways. At fourteen months, they took her into their home and made her a member of the family. And, in the process, they made the tiny little girl from Mexico an American, says a New York Criminal Lawyer. And thus she went on, living her life like anyone else who had been born a citizen. She spoke English, wore American flag garb, went to school, lived life as an American – because she was one.

Until the day came when she wasn’t.

It turns out that even though her parents adopted her at the young age of fourteen, they never secured her citizenship. Now, this mother and wife is being locked away in a holding cell while authorities try to figure out what to do with her, reports a New York Criminal Lawyer. Initially, the woman was arrested for trafficking in prescription drugs, a serious crime but hardly one that would lead most people to expulsion from their home land. After she served her sentence she got the news: she was being kicked out, says a New York Criminal Lawyer. But, now she and her family and friends and legal counsel are doing whatever they can to fight the system, to make her a US citizen for good and for real, notes a New York Criminal Lawyer. She doesn’t want to leave her family and friends and husband and children. After all, this is her home.

If you find yourself being arrested, contact a New York Criminal Attorney immediately. You never know when one innocent charge will ruin the rest of your life.

The Office of Stephen Bilkis and Associates can offer you support and guidance as well as a free consultation when you contact us at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW. We have offices in New York City, including Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and The Bronx and in Nassau County, Suffolk County and Westchester County.

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