
Man Warns Woman of Impending Death Via Text Message Says a Bronx Criminal Lawyer

Text messaging has quickly become one of the largest forms of communication in recent years. And, one Brooklyn man, enraged over his girlfriend’s actions sent her a text message telling her that he was going to kill her. It seems she left a party that the two were attending and didn’t bother telling him. And, so he sent her message threatening her life. A Bronx Criminal Lawyer may be called in to help iron out the details of the situation.

The victim is a 25-year-old mother of two. She was found beaten and strangled not long after her married lover followed her home. The babysitter, the mother of the victim, said he knocked on the door and she opened it. She noted that at the time, nothing seemed wrong so she allowed the man to come inside just before 2:00 AM. Once she started hearing noises, she begged a neighbor to call 911.

The victim’s mother said she went into the room after the man calmly walked away from the apartment with blood on his mouth after biting the woman. A Bronx Criminal Lawyer says the suspect is married to a woman who lives two floors above the victim and her family and was snorting cocaine and discussing the murder with relatives afterwards. One of his cousins’s asked him why he would do such a thing and his answer was a pathetic “she should have never left” (the party).

The victim’s mother said the suspect had stuffed the victim under her own bed. Half of her body was sticking out and her mother was obviously upset. Once the police arrived, the suspect was arrested and charged with second-degree murder. He didn’t even try to flee once the authorities arrived. Investigators were looking for the victims phone, as it seems he had sent the text message threatening her shortly before showing up at her home. A New York Criminal Lawyer suspects like this who have prior arrests for assault, menacing and harassment and many times the crimes just continue to increase in intensity just as this one did.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates and its Nassau County Criminal Lawyers and convenient locations in Nassau County including Harbor Green, NY can be very helpful to you if you find yourself involved in a criminal prosecution. Facing the law without a Nassau County Criminal Lawyer is a poor option.

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