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New Tennessee law requires two simple questions, poses no easy solutions


There is a new law on the books in Tennessee, according to a N York City Criminal Lawyer. This law requires all jailers to ask each and every detainee two questions. a) Where were you born?
b) Are you in the country legally? Two simple questions that seem innocent enough, but which, in effect, could cause a serious back up in the immigration system if the answers they receive are not straightforward. 

The New York Criminal Lawyer stated the reason for the backup would be that any detainee that they do not get a straight answer from, or one who answers that they are in fact, illegally residing here, an investigation has to be performed. Until the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement gets a hold of these detainees, they are going to have to be housed somewhere. 

Who will pay for such housing during this backlog of a system that is already flooded with detainees? It seems like it will be the taxpayers who foot the bill. Basically, the immigration system is already filled to capacity. Even if authorities decide to detain the individual for deportation, the time will vary on when that occurs. If they opt for the normal avenues, that could take time, as well. 

The NY Criminal Lawyer stated that whether they are detained as an illegal immigrant or a prisoner, they will basically be relying on taxpayers dollars to feed and house them, so really, the law does not change all that much. In the United States, our prison system is already profusely overcrowded. It seems like it might be a better idea to keep people from doing things that would get them prison time in the first place than to just sort them out once they get there. 

The Office of Stephen Bilkis and Associates can offer you support and guidance as well as a free consultation when you contact us at 1-800-NY-NY-LAW. We have offices in New York City, including Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and The Bronx and in Nassau County, Suffolk County and Westchester County.
If you are in need of legal representation or you are unsure of your rights, then contact a New York Criminal Attorney today. Look no further than a competent, professional N York Criminal Attorney when it comes to securing your rights as a citizen of the United States.

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